PCIe Protocol Overview

Start Date: Please contact us
Course Overview
This course focuses on the fundamentals of the PCI Express® protocol specification. The typical PCIe architecture, including data space, data movement, and the most commonly used Transaction Layer Packets (TLPs) are covered. Interrupts and error handling are also discussed.
Implementation issues are covered in the two-day Designing a LogiCORE PCI Express System course.
Connectivity 2Who should attend?
FPGA designers, logic designers, and anyone who needs an in-depth knowledge of the PCIe protocolPrerequisite:
Software Tools:
None required
VCD viewer optional
Architecture: N/A*
Demo board: None*
Skills Gained: After completing this training, you will be able to:
• Interpret various transactions occurring on the link
• Describe the layered architecture and the tasks and packet types each is responsible for
• Properly estimate maximum performance of a link
• Illustrate how errors can be communicated within the system
• Explain the relationship between Virtual Channels (VCs) and Traffic Class (TC) and the interaction with flow control credits
Lab Description:
Lab 1: Packet Decoding – This lab explores what really happens on the link between a root complex and the endpoint. Various packets, including the Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, and Transaction Layer packets are explored. Insight as to what is actually transpiring on the lanes becomes a powerful tool for understanding the protocol as well as debugging various link issues.
Course Outline:
1. Introduction
2. Introduction to the PCIe Architecture
3. Review of the PCIe Protocol
4. Packet Formatting Details
Lab 1: Packet Decoding
5. Packet Routing
6. Interrupts and Error Management
7. Summary