Price 4,228 ILS


Course Overview

Smartphones and tablets enable increasing numbers of employees to work “anywhere, anytime.” The mass adoption of these devices in the enterprise has increased employee productivity but has also exposed the enterprise to new security risks. The security of enterprise data is a key concern, particularly on mobile devices that are easily lost or stolen.
The latest mobile plat¬forms were designed with security in mind— engineers attempted to build security features directly into the operating sys¬tem to limit attacks from the outset. However, these security provisions may not suffice to protect the enterprise assets that regularly find their way onto the de¬vices.
Complicating the security picture is the fact that nearly all mobile devices also operate outside the enterprise—they connect and synchronize out-of-the-box with third-party cloud services and computers whose security status is unknown and outside the enterprise’s control. Thus, a clearly documented and enforceable mobile security policy is critical in reducing the risk of data loss.
This course discusses security risks associated with Smartphones; the operating systems used, including their features and vulnerabilities; and the types of attacks that are made on Smartphones. It also includes a discussion on Smartphone Security Management and approaches to mitigating the risk.

Who should attend?

Anyone interested in learning more about Smartphone security.


Basic understanding of the mobile and its working environment.

Course Outline:

1. Introduction

2. Smartphone overview
• Definition of Smartphones
• The Smartphone (mobile) market
• Why should we care about Smartphone mobile security?

3. Smartphone’s OS overview
• Smartphone’s OS overview (Android, Windows Mobile, etc.)
• Vulnerabilities in Smartphone (mobile) OS

4. Attacks on Smartphones
• Mobile Malware
• Information Theft
• Unsolicited Information
• Theft of Service Attacks
• Denial of Service Attacks

5. Smartphone’s OS Security features
• iPhone security features overview
• Android security features overview
• Windows Mobile security features overview6. Smartphone Security Management7. Summary