Using Xilinx Alveo Cards to Accelerate Dynamic Workloads

Start Date: Please contact us
Course Overview
Xilinx Alveo™ accelerator cards can help you achieve the highest
performance, accelerate any workload, and deploy solutions in the
cloud or on premises for data center workloads.
The focus of this course is on:
▪ Identifying the available Alveo accelerator cards and their
advantages as well as the available software solutions stack
▪ Learning how to run designs on Alveo Data Center accelerator
cards using the Vitis™ unified software platform
▪ Reviewing the available partner solutions in the cloud and on
Level – FPGA 2
Course Duration – 1 day
Course Part Number – FPGA-ALVEO
Who Should Attend? – Anyone who needs to accelerate their software
applications using FPGAs.
▪ Basic knowledge of Xilinx FPGA architecture
▪ Comfort with the C/C++ programming language
Software Tools
▪ Vitis unified software platform
▪ Architecture: Xilinx Alveo accelerator cards
After completing this comprehensive training, you will have the
necessary skills to:
▪ Describe the Alveo Data Center accelerator cards and list the
advantages of these cards and the available software solutions
▪ Explain how the Vitis unified software platform helps software
developers to focus on applications
▪ Describe the elements of the development flow, such as software
emulation, hardware emulation, and system run as well as
debugging support for the host code and kernel code
▪ Describe the partner solutions available in the cloud and on
premises for the Alveo Data Center accelerator cards
Course Outline:
Alveo Data Center Accelerator Cards Overview
Describes the Alveo Data Center accelerator cards and lists the
advantages of these cards and the available software solutions
stack. {Lecture}
▪ Getting Started with Alveo Data Center Accelerator Cards
Describes the hardware and software installation procedures for
the Alveo Data Center accelerator cards. {Lecture}
▪ Introduction to the Vitis Unified Software Platform
Explains how software/hardware engineers and application
developers can benefit from the Vitis unified software environment
and OpenCL framework. {Lecture}
▪ Vitis IDE Tool Overview
Describes the elements of the development flow, such as
software emulation, hardware emulation, and system run as well
as debugging support for the host code and kernel code.
▪ Alveo Accelerator Card Ecosystem Partner Solutions
Describes the partner solutions available in the cloud and on
premises for Alveo Data Center accelerator cards. {Lecture}
▪ Xilinx Real-Time Video Server Appliance (Optional)
Describes the Xilinx Real-Time Video Server appliance reference
architectures, the optimized software solution stack for video
applications, and various features offered by Alveo card live
transcoding. {Lecture}