Start Date: 09/04/2025

Price 1,800 ILS


Course Overview

Email communication is a critical and legally binding element of the modern-day working world. Each written document bears far-reaching importance on the scope and quality of our professional exchanges whether they take the form of sales enhancement, customer success or even the begrudging challenges of ongoing financial management and collection. The moment content appears in written form it generates a power dynamic that often directly impacts the quality and efficacy of professional relationships across the board.

Companies competing on the global stage MUST achieve the upper hand in the following essential email nuances:

  • Cultural Written Sensitivity: Know your client! Adjust your content in accordance with international standards and expectations. Israeli directness is often perceived as rudeness. Stage one of our workshop sensitizes the Israeli professional regarding the well intentioned Israeli writing style and culture which is frequently received with disdain by our international clients and colleagues.
  • Positive Timelines: Establishing messaging consistency and clarity through the inclusion of continuity in email writing. Positive Timelines ultimately shorten and simplify our correspondence. Bottom line, Positive Timelines facilitate immediate understanding.
  • One Sentence One Thought: This segment heralds the elimination of run on (overly worded) sentences which frustrate readers around the world. The incorporation of The Conjunction Trick (TCT) shortens and sharpens each sentence and every message. Finally, your emails are readable, clear and enjoyable!
  • Double Positives: The power of positive opening and closings. It’s magical. The positive opening coupled with clearly written content and a can do finish foster better working relationships (even when the subject of the particular email is negative).
  • Effective Subjects: Achieve 100% opening ratios with these 3-5 word subjects which capture the readers imagination, result in immediate openings and generate fast responses.
  • Grammar Consistency Standards (GCS): Grammatical consistency requires sensitivity to formulations, tenses, prepositions and punctuation. Sounds dry? Just watch as we put the fun back into good grammar!

Skills Gained: After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Achieving confidence, precision and excellence in all written correspondence.
  2. Achieving spot on accuracy through effective language usage.
  3. Preserving & Developing Individual Uniqueness in the age of Robotic Apps.
  4. “Getting to Yes”…Your emails are the first to be opened, the first to be read in their entirety, the first to generate positive action.

Course Outline:

Session One:


Grammatical precision facilitates clarity, accuracy and most importantly dependability. Fasten your seatbelts as we deep dive into the proper structural usage of tenses, prepositions, conditionals, passive and reported speech.

  • Contrasting Simples, Progressives and Perfects. Measuring structural value. Assessing the painful cost of inaccuracy. Differentiating between sentence and question models.
  • “Celebrating the Politeness & Correctness of Indirect Email Requests”.


The Golden Email Writing Rules! Clarity, Consistency and Etiquette enhance professional engagement. Applying these foundations necessarily empowers both participants in every written exchange.

  • Analyzing Double Positives (positive declarations of intent and appreciation which create positive relationships and productive work environments).
  • One Sentence One Thought (The end of frustrating run on sentences which confuse and frustrate recipients) – Combatting “Conjunction Dysfunction”.
  • Assessing Positive Timelines as a tool for achieving clarity and continuity.
  • Revisiting Subject Formulation- Phrasing the perfect Subject (Tips and Tricks).

Session Two:


Professionalize/Stylize/Personalize your Mail! Applying correct grammar (structure), Managerial Power Vocabulary and the Personal Touch as we engage our correspondents with RFAs (Request for Assistance), SRs (Status Reports), CFCs (Calls for Collaboration), EAMs (Enticing Announcement Emails) etc…

  • Establishing Inclusivity via Email, Reader Friendly Writing Styles, Building Email Bridges – Empowering Relationships.
  • “Achieving the True Me” – The personal touch which ultimately renders the robotic and uniform grammar applications irrelevant and ultimately doomed to extinction.
  • Sensitivity Training Re The Potential (Positive & Negative) of Binding Written Correspondence.


Real Time Email Write-athon”. Participants will create, compare and assess individual work in a real time professional correspondence simulation.

  • On Site Writing Drills, Lively Assessments…Celebrating Progress!

Brief Graduation Ceremony

The workshop is moderated by David Matan, the Professional English Instructor in companies (Ness Technologies, Cellcom, Golan Telecom to name a few) throughout Israel. The atmosphere is participatory (not a frontal lecture) with hands on training and practice. Best of all, David makes himself available to his students for proofs and consultation. This workshop is a must.

Interested to hear more details, talk to me

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