שליטה באנגלית מדוברת בקלות ובכיף! – Spoken English
Start Date: 06/03/2025
Course Overview
Who would’ve believed that learning and speaking English could be so fun and rewarding (not to mention incredibly beneficial and practical in every sense). With Teacher David Matan at the helm, every participant will sense improvement and advancement already after the first session!!! We will be delighted to provide a list of HR Managers who will happily confirm this claim.
Spoken English courses always prioritize usage with special emphasis placed on vocabulary expansion, structural strengthening (grammar) and practical application on a professional and personal level.
- The participants will speak correctly! Correct grammar, correct sentence structure…appropriate nuances.
- The participants will speak-function with full confidence. This confidence will be a function of a rock-solid structural grounding to their English.
- The participants will incorporate professional level vocabulary into their spoken English.
- The participants will be comfortable preparing and delivering professional presentations in English. This includes content development, compelling graphics and powerful delivery.
- The participants, having achieved a level of full proficiency in English will learn to love the language. Whether it’s internet surfing, book reading, radio listening or any other communication-based activity…. English will become the preferred language.
- The participants will correspond correctly via email, text or any other form of written language usage.
Course Outline:
Session 1: Solidifying Language Structure – Redefining Conversational Basics!
- Pro Active discussions with participants featuring “Getting Acquainted Themes”.
- Content Mastery Achievement (CMA): Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Future Simple, Prepositions of time & place, Correct Q & A Formulation, Personal Introductions, Mini Background Presentations + Flipping Small Talk to Big Talk Vocabulary (Taking Networking Skills to the Next Level).
Session 2: Introducing and Applying Complex Language Structures – The Path from Basic to Professional English.
- Professional Interactions in English featuring common work related themes including: Meeting Participation and Management, Engaging Team Updates which enhance collaboration, Inclusive Spoken English Styling.
- Content Mastery Achievement (CMA): Perfects, Conditionals, Passives, Direct & Indirect Sentence Structure, “My Position Mini Presentations followed by lively Q & A”.
Session 3: Applying English Nuance, Etiquette & Culture – Polite, Indirect, Respectful…Powerful!
- Requests, Clarifications, Expressing Dissatisfaction & Satisfaction based on a work-related agenda.
- Content Mastery Achievement (CMA): Understanding, Internalizing & Applying Acceptable Indirect Speech including conditionals and passives in a work-related context.
Session 4: Next Level Professional Vocabulary – Professional Presentation Foundations & Essentials!
- “Managers Vocabulary Practicum” featuring Vocab Upgrades. “The Six Stage Professional Presentation Model” (including introductions, background, objectives, presentation, summary & conclusions).
- Content Mastery Achievement (CMA): Heightened sensitivity to the professionally appropriate vocabulary level through active vocab upgrade exercises. Participants will learn The Six Stage Professional Presentation Model, choose individual work-related topics (Professional Challenge Analysis) and commence guided presentation preparation.
Session 5: “Cisco English Presentaion Seminar” (Celebratory Closing Session)!
- Each participant will deliver a professional power point presentation followed by a lively question and answer session. Each presentation will be pre screened and proofed by the instructor prior to the final session.
- Content Mastery Achievement (CMA): Each participant will successfully and persuasively conduct a presentation extending at least 8-10 minutes. These presentations will focus on professional challenges and possible solution. Following the seminar the instructor will summarize essential course content and happily offer editing, proofreading and presentation prep services to all of the participants.